Nikola Ćurčić, Aleksandar Grubor

Abstract: The authors of this paper keen to investigate attributes of airport service quality and how they affect the satisfaction of passengers at Niš airport in Serbia in 2022 from the demographic approach, have provided empirical research of 294 passenger ratings of airport services quality significance to their level of satisfaction. Four groups of airport services were defined: tangible airport services, staff efficiency services, the image of the airport, and energy efficiency services. The methodology used was statistical analysis, Mann-Whitney U and the Kruskal-Wallis test for hypotheses testing, and IBM SPSS statistical software version 21. Results show that overall satisfaction levels differ concerning the demographic characteristics f passengers, gender, age, education, social status, and frequency of travel. The study can contribute to scholars, airports, and other stakeholders within the context of behavioral intention and the importance of demographic factors for the image of the airport, revenues, and its new initiatives concerning sustainability and energy efficiency.

Keywords: Airport service quality, passenger satisfaction, Serbia, impact

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR17.04-15

Recieved: 21.12.2022  Accepted: 21.08.2023  UDC: 005.336.3

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