Magdah Ezat Gharieb

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the current knowledge management (KM) practices and models proposed, strategies and frameworks used in different countries and sectors, and the impact and results of using KM on the organizations working towards effectively activating knowledge management. Using the term "knowledge management in the public sector", a search for available works is done in Google Scholar. In the main stage, the quest for writing distributed under whenever decision was done in the initial ten pages of the web search tool. Then, at that point, one more nine page of Goggle Scholar were looked for later works distributed, setting the time as 2014 to 2018. The quest yielded 84 usable works for this audit. This writing searches and survey results showed that out of the 47 works looked into, simply three works were identified with Saudi Arabia. A few works from Sub-Saharan Africa and African countries may also contain findings relevant to Saudi Arabia. Findings related to specific country contexts were maximum in numbers. There were also several papers specifically dealing with specific public sectors like health care. KM modeling itself is not easy as only very few papers on KM modeling were available. This study applies to Saudi Arabian public sector organizations. There is a strong opportunity for research in Saudi Arabia mainly because of the country's growth and progress.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Saudi Arabia, Public Sector

DOI: 10.24874/IJQR16.04-18

Recieved: 14.12.2021  Accepted: 08.06.2022  UDC: 005.94

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